From Jerusalem to Gaza: Briefing on Current Events in Palestine

Join us to hear breaking updates on what is happening in Palestine on Monday, April 25 at 11 am ET/6 pm Palestine.

Palestinian resistance continues across our homeland today. In Jerusalem, Zionist state forces and settlers are encroaching onto the Al-Aqsa Mosque grounds and Damascus Gate, two of the last civic spaces in the city for Palestinians. Daily over the course of Ramadan, Palestinians have made it clear that they will defend their sacred spaces and city and have been facing off with militarized Israeli police and armed and violent settlers.

These events bring back memories of the events of May 2021 that sparked the Unity Intifada. Apartheid Israel is traumatizing the Gaza Strip with more bombing assaults, not even a full year since the war on Gaza when Israel killed over 270 Palestinians.

We know that revolution is a process, not an event.

We look forward to hearing updates direct from Palestine with you. Confirmed speakers include Jalal Abukhater, Jerusalem-based writer, and Yara Hawari, policy analyst with Al-Shabaka.

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