Presbyterian Church (USA) Calls on Israel to Become a State for All Its Citizens
Presbyterian Church (USA) Calls on Israel to Become a State for All Its Citizens
Human rights defenders testify in favor of resolutions affirming Palestinian rights at the Presbyterian USA General Assembly in St. Louis, June 2018.
On Friday, June 22, 2018, the Presbyterian Church (USA) approved a historic resolution advocating for the equal rights of all citizens of Israel. The overture, which advocates for equal rights for Palestinian citizens of Israel, was the first of its kind. It calls on church leadership to use diplomatic measures to pressure Israel to change its laws, policies, and practices that favor the rights of its Jewish citizens and discriminate against Palestinian citizens of the state.
The overture was one of a series of resolutions passed to protect Palestinian rights during the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Adalah Justice Project (AJP) partnered with the Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA), as well as national and local organizers to advance the series of resolutions. Sandra Tamari, AJP's Director of Strategic Partnerships, testified in favor of the overture on equality. She said, "At a time when the Israeli Knesset is actively censoring any discussion of equality, the Presbyterian Church (USA) showed great courage and leadership in demanding equal rights for Palestinian citizens of Israel. The overture reflects a powerful shift in public discourse towards centering the Palestinian struggle for equality and justice throughout historic Palestine."