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A powerful moment for Palestine. Let's rebuild our struggle.

Dear AJP Supporters,

Last May, we all watched the Palestinian uprising for freedom in awe and saw the global conversation on Palestine change rapidly. Now we must  build on the changing public discourse and ensure these changes are reflected in lasting wins.

On Nakba Day, May 15, we hosted a virtual event with Haymarket Books featuring Palestinians from our fragmented geographies, including Mohammed El-Kurd in Jerusalem, Majd Kayyal in Haifa, and Jehad Abusalim from Gaza. Sitting outside the prison in Haifa awaiting word of Palestinian detainees arrested for rising up for freedom, Majd summarized what all Palestinians were feeling: “This is a moment of possibility, a moment of hope to rebuild our struggle.”

We must make sure that this moment of possibility is more than just a moment. We must ensure that it lasts and brings us concrete wins through organizing and campaigns. “The uprising will take time,” the Unity Intifada’s manifesto reminds us. That’s why the work of Adalah Justice Project is critical right now.

We invite you to join us to reflect on this momentous year by taking a look at our Fall 2021 newsletter.