Israeli elections and the work ahead of us


Dear Supporter,

As we watch the results of yesterday’s Israeli election come in, one thing is clear: racism is not the exclusive domain of any one political party or candidate - it spans the spectrum of almost all the Israeli political system itself. The Israeli elections took place in the shadow of the Jewish Nation-State Law, which constitutionally enshrines Jewish superiority that has existed in the State of Israel since its inception in 1948.

The winners may not yet be finally determined, but we know that Palestinians don’t win in a state that defines itself as exclusively for the Jewish people.  

 It is time to build a different vision for the future: one of justice for all.

The only tenable progressive vision for the world is one in which all people have freedom, historical justice and equal rights. This is a political opportunity to prevail and thrive collectively.

The Nation-State Law is but the latest reminder to our global community of the ever-present choice in situations of injustice: to align with the powerful and entrench inequality or to restore balance by siding with those excluded from power.

Securing Palestinian human rights depends not on the cancelling of the Nation-State Law, or enshrining liberal language into Israel’s constitutional code. True freedom and justice for Palestine requires that every individual pursue equality, even and especially when that individual benefits from privilege.It requires that institutions guarantee freedom, even and especially when keeping the Other behind walls or in cages offers a comforting illusion of safety.

It is a demand of justice, even and especially when justice requires that every exclusionary frame be dismantled. Such political coherence, rooted in universal values of human rights, will guide the emancipatory process of decolonization and the collective pursuit of historical justice.

Adalah Justice Project has teamed up with the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights to shape a progressive vision.

Add your name to tell Congress that we want a new political vision that asserts that justice is indivisible!

We can’t do this without you!


With love and solidarity,


P.S. Please consider a monthly or one-time gift to Adalah Justice Project to support our advocacy work and bring more Palestinian voices to the US movement for social justice.


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