Break the Bonds

Israel Bonds are loans that individuals and institutions make to the Israeli government, and the funds help support the Israeli regime’s war machine. These bonds are crucial because they provide the Israeli military and government with significant financial resources. This support extends to various activities, including the military operations in Gaza, the forced displacement of Palestinian families, and the enforcement of apartheid.

Understanding the impact of these bonds is important because they directly contribute to the Israeli government's war crimes.

Campaigns to divest from Israel Bonds can pressure institutions to stop funding genocide and apartheid, thereby cutting off financial support for the violence perpetrated against Palestinians.

Every community deserves to live in safety and dignity, free from harm or discrimination based on their identity. However, the Israeli military and government are enforcing a brutal system of apartheid and violent occupation over Palestinians, with the military now engaged in genocidal actions in Gaza.

Shockingly, our local institutions—state governments, municipalities, unions, pension funds, universities, places of worship, and more—are complicit by investing billions in Israel Bonds. This funding directly supports the Israeli military and government.

We have the power to change this.

We all have a role in halting the Israeli military’s genocide in Gaza. By coming together, we can hold the Israeli government accountable and ensure that our collective voice is heard.

Learn more:

Watch Break the Bonds: Divest from Israeli Bonds, Invest in Freedom 

Read: The Quiet Success of the Israel Divestment Movement


HRC Campaign